Hello Del Rey! My name is Theresa Gamache and I am your Area A Director.
I’m a Bay Area transplant who has lived in Los Angeles and Los Angeles County for almost 15 years and have been a resident of Del Rey for 3 years (and counting!).
By day, I’m an RN Consultant for an HMO where I help people learn, grow, and stay healthy. When I’m not representing my area or working, I enjoy walking around the neighborhood, visiting nearby parks and enthusiastically pointing out every dog we see with my 20-month-old son and 408-month-old husband.
I ran for neighborhood council because I wanted to set an example and show my son the importance of being involved and giving back to your community, no matter how many generations you have been here.
Area A means a lot to our family; my son is the 4th generation on my husband's side, to be raised in Del Rey. We are rooted in Del Rey and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Our favorite things about Area A are: we are walking distance to relatives, our neighbors are friendly and I get the privilege of being your Area A Director of course!