DRNC (Virtual) Meetings
The Del Rey NC is proud to be the first Neighborhood Council to resume public meetings. In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order of March 17th, and with the approval of the LA City Attorney’s Office, the DRNC is holding meetings via Zoom.
Screenshot of the DRNC Board’s April 9th, 2020 Meeting on Zoom
Please keep your eyes on our website for upcoming meeting agendas with detailed instructions on how to join by video conference or telephone. Each meeting will have a different Zoom Meeting ID or link and phone numbers to call. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter (link on our website sidebar); you can also get agendas automatically emailed to you by signing up here.
Some tips and requests:
Here is a link to find out more about Zoom meetings.
To make a public comment, please use the ‘Raise Hand’ feature on Zoom. If you are dialing in by telephone, please enter #9 to raise your hand.
Alternatively, you may submit public comment via email in advance to board@delreync.org; please include the item # you wish to comment on.
For troubleshooting before or during the meeting, please contact matt.wersinger@delreync.org.