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On the Marina



The Del Rey Neighborhood Council is organized into committees to provide adequate consideration, expertise, and deliberation to community issues. Most committees are made up of community stakeholders and at least two Council members. Committees are an opportunity to empower the Del Rey community to come together to discuss, deliberate, and recommend action to the Del Rey Neighborhood Council on a wide range of issues. Meetings are open to the public. Stakeholders interested in serving on a committee should contact the committee chair.


Committee documents, including agendas and minutes, can be viewed here.


Del Rey Neighborhood Council Committees:


Budget & Finance Committee

Meets 4th Wednesdays at 8:30pm

Chair: Daniel A Perez (email)

Meeting Agendas

Neighborhood Purpose Grants (NPG)


Bylaws & Rules Committee

Meetings TBA

Co-Chairs:  Ravi Sankaran (email) and Jeremy Schonwald (email)
Meeting Agendas


Health & Wellness Committee

Meetings TBA

Co-Chairs: TBD
Meeting Agendas


Green Committee

Meetings TBA

Co-Chairs: TBD
Meeting Agendas


Education Committee

Meets 1st Thursdays at 7:00pm

Co-Chairs: Jillian Hegedus (email)  & Jaclynne Kroskrity (email)
Meeting Agendas


Executive Committee

Meets 4th Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Chair: Ravi Sankaran (email)
Meeting Agendas


Land Use & Planning Committee​

Meets 3rd Thursdays at 7:00pm

Chair: Pooja Bhagat (email) 

Meeting Agendas


Outreach Committee

Meets 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm

Chair: Jillian Hegedus (email)
Meeting Agendas


Del Rey Day Ad Hoc Committee

Meetings TBA

Chair: Jillian Hegedus (email)



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